Violent Femmes. Still on the road, making the kids dance. I saw the Femmes play outside the Oriental Theater before the Pretenders gig - that fateful day that they'd be discovered and launch a rock and roll career. Of course, the Pretenders invited the band to play inside the theater which only pissed off the audience (who knew?). I felt bad, but they seemed to make the best of it. And still do.
Violent Femmes posters:
Violent Femmes at the Stone Toad (February 5, 1983) Poster by Brian Ritchie, aka Spot. This was their "Return from NYC" gig which was part of the aftermath of their legendary "discovery" some months earlier by Chrissie Hynde from the Pretenders.
Violent Femmes at the Stone Toad (March 25 & 26, 1983) Poster by Brian Ritchie (originally hand colored with Crayons). With Plasticland (Brian was a former member) and Swampthing (from Madison?). I was at this show with Jay Tiller from Couch Flambeau.
Violent Femmes at the Stone Toad (March 25 & 26, 1983) Version 2 poster, again by Brian Ritchie, aka Spot. He also hand colored the poster.
Violent Femmes at the Jazz Gallery (April 10, 1983) Poster by Brian Ritchie, aka Spot. This was just prior to their first (and biggest selling) album release.
Violent Femmes at Ludwig Van Ear Records (July 5, 1983) Playing inside the tiny yet popular store, which was soon to become Atomic Records.
Violent Femmes at the UWM Ballroom (May 2, 1984) The femmes first album was huge then, and the show sold out - over a thousand (mostly girls) were there. I had the pleasure of being in Couch Flambeau then and the video footage of this show gives me tingles down my spine. It was weird and fun. Actually I'll be posting photos of both bands from this night along with some Couch Flambeau video.
Violent Femmes at the UWM Ballroom (December 16, 1984) Another sold out show at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Crummy poster. Couch Flambeau opened up for the Femmes at the UW Oshkosh Ballroom on this leg of the tour.
Mercy Seat at the UWM Kenwood Inn (March 3, 1985) Gordon Gano's gospel band.