Papagaio's. Papagaio's was a short-lived club that was run for a while as the Underground by Tony Selig, which was odd since you had to climb UP the stairs to get in. But it made sense since Tony had been running a club a few doors down with the same name. It was also known as Club New York for a short time. The building has since been torn down, along with the original Underground. Remember $1 tap nights? ugh

Papagaio's posters:

Love & Rockets at Papagaio (December 10, 1984) Poster submitted by Jason Voss.

The Replacements & Couch Flambeau at Papagaio (August 7, 1985) Backstage, a slightly sober Bob Stinson pulled out a tattered gold lame suit from a well-used paper bag - it was his stage outfit.

Sonic Youth and Dinosaur [Jr.] at the Underground [Papagaio's] (July 16, 1986) At Tony Selig's former under-then-above-ground Underground (later demolished). Poster art by Jason Voss.

The Bun E. Carlos Experience at the Underground [Papagaio's] (August 30, 1986) Hand drawn poster by Ron Faiola (yeah me). I promoted the show with Bun E. Carlos from Cheap Trick. Bun E. played the show with Jon Brandt on bass, who was Cheap Trick's bass player from 1981 to 1987. Photos of the show are here.

Skinny Puppy at Club New York [Papagaio's] (May 10, 1987) Poster and fake blood splatter by Ron Faiola (yip its me). I also promoted this show. Each poster was a bit different because of the blood spatters. Neat.