MilwaukeeRockPosters.com Wisconsin Rock Radio Podcasts for 2019 - WITHOUT funding spots!
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CLICK HERE FOR THE JANUARY 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

ed gein KILLDOZER (1984)
teenage trash LAST SONS OF KRYPTON (2018)
iowa road trip VENISON (1994)
holes DIE KREUZEN (1991)
action THE GLADRAGS (1997)
dance the alexander hamilton REVEREND NORB (2002)
blackend the ussr BEATALLICA (2004)
we are vermin RATBATSPIDER (2018)
making love ukelele style THE BIKINI BEACHCOMBERS (2008)
la habra BOY DIRT CAR (2018)
music box dancer ABBY JEANNE (2018)
decorated life ECOTEUR (1988)
souls without maps JOSEPH HUBER (2017)
i am the ghost of miller lite HONKY TALK-ITIS (2009)
moving on. KYLE FEERICK (2018)
on wisconsin TRAPPER SCHOEPP (2019)
CLICK HERE FOR THE FEBRUARY 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

when i find you INDONESIAN JUNK (2018)
hollow man 3 ON FIRE (1991)
berserker gang EINHERIAR (1999)
olive branch OFFEND YOUR FRIENDS (2018)
ghost town THE QUILZ (2018)
country death song VIOLENT FEMMES (2017)
proud of me THE LOONS (1991)
box car out of genessee SEMI-TWANG (2018)
when the chips are down JOHNNIE GUNN (1967)
she comes on TROLLEY (1999)
madeira ALEX BALLARD (1993)
are you a man or a mouse? WHITE HOT TIZZIES (2005)
molestabrook park THE SKETCHBALLS (2018)
voyage of the damned THE DEAD MORTICIANS (2018)
stoned by myself at the mexican restaurant REVEREND NORB AND THE ONONS (2018)
dark side of the earth HAUNTED HEADS (2018)
gone daddy gone CODEBREAKER (2003)
CLICK HERE FOR THE MARCH 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

all over you HOUND'S TOOTH (2007)
i wanna be kissed HONKY TONK-ITIS (2009)
betty a WALLY CLEAVER (1982)
100 p.s.i. CITIZEN KING (1995)
you're the only thing THE BALLOONS (1982)
success GGOOLLDD (2019)
devil's haircut BRETT NEWSKI (2019)
distant cuzins PAPER CUTS (2014)
impact test BOY DIRT CAR (1986)
olive branch OFFEND YOUR FRIENDS (2018)
sap song DISLOCATION (2019)
mine all mine MASKED INTRUDER (2018)
attitude THE RAGE (1982)
same old town BURST (1982)
counting beans BLUE IN THE FACE (1994)
aimless MAN RANDOM (2019)
stethoscope LOCATE YOUR LIPS (1984)
CLICK HERE FOR THE APRIL 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

mercy THE SLURS (2019)
teenage lament THE GLADRAGS (1997)
my mistake TROLLEY (1982)
the more she gets the more she wants. THE R & B CADETS (1983)
hostage FICTIONAL FOREVER (2014)
cant wait to see you THE AGENTS (1984)
all about me TWANG DRAGONS (2004)
feelin' fine NAMA RUPA (2011)
loves lies bleeding ROSE OF THE WEST (2019)
mind flowers VOCOKESH (2014)
termites and maggots ALIEN FAKTOR (1995)
bob hope THE APPLIANCES (2016)
size of your life THE PROMISE RING (2002)
reappear ii RED HAWKS (2016)
daisy KNIT DELICATE (2018)
CLICK HERE FOR THE MAY 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and special guest Tyler St Clair. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

tunn3l HOT SCIENCE (2019)
ccdm theme CCDM (2017)
millions of dead wrestlers DOORMOUSE (2019)
my amiga DISPYZ (2009)
death test STAGEDIVER (2014)
tightened lung BLACK LINES DIN SKY (2017)
shark tank THE DEMIX (2014)
jelly HOT SCIENCE (2019)
wrong CCDM (2017)
i am the creator of house and i am back DOORMOUSE (2019)
dead see THE DEMIX (2014)
CLICK HERE FOR THE JUNE 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

fadeaway BODEANS (2012)
rand new thing THE HUNGRY WILLIAMS (2019)
i can take it LOCATE YOUR LIPS (1985)
darkest hour LOVA NOVA (2019)
jet jaguar DEVIL'S TEETH (2019)
polar vortex BLACK LINES DIN SKY (2017)
jackhammer in a fur coat CLEAN ROOM (2018)
cream city nights THE GROVELERS (2019)
she is my reason THE DAY CREATION (date unknown)
baroques' theme THE BAROQUES (1967)
patricia ann THE PROPHETS (1968)
rapid transit THE ROBBS (1967)
something else THE INVADERS (2014)
braunschweiger HAPPY SCHNAPPS COMBO (1996)
burned up and shining LES LOKEY (2000)
CLICK HERE FOR THE JULY 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

heat rig BOY DIRT CAR (2019)
low speed OTTO LUENING (1952)
coulter GUERILLA GHOST (2019)
death van IFIHADAHIFI (2019)
ice nine SUDS (1978)
shout part 1 THE LEGENDS (1963)
go baroque THE BAROQUES (1989)
smile THE CORPORATION (1969)
diamond rio DEVIL'S TEETH (2019)
hang tough PESHTIGO (2019)
gooth DOUBLE TRUCK (2019)
no shine for the shoes PLASTICLAND (1985)
i wanna be your man HOWIE EPSTEIN (2019)
stronger than before ARROYO (1981)
please com back to me MASKED INTRUDER (2018)
warp zone THE PHYLUMS (2019)
to their orange WILL IT BURN (2019)
comatose THE CUT-OUTS (2019)
CLICK HERE FOR THE AUGUST 2019 PODCAST. Featuring your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble with special guest Andy Pemrich. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

please, please, what's the matter LORD BEVERLY AND THE MOSSMEN (1966)
midnight in the park PASSION (1970)
on a little island ENCHANTERS (1968)
i will not touch you BAROQUES (1968)
varsity club song GOLDEN CATALINAS (1968)
telling lies THE LOYAL OPPOSITION (1969)
you know how I feel (and why) LOVE SOCIETY (1969)
workin' in a coalmine PHASE III (1970)
even the wind TORQUAYS (1968)
sunshine flames PRIVATE PROPERTY OF DIGIL (1967)
badger beat THE THIRTEENTH HOUR (1966)
jerry's polka JERRY SIEGER AND HIS CORDOVOX (1968)
hurry up sundown GLEN CASS (1970)
cathy lost her love today SPEEDY AND THE ALKA SELTZERS (1968)
CLICK HERE FOR THE SEPTEMBER 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

it's a brand new funk THE MAJESTICS (2019)
class a THE MAJESTICS (1982)
future ii THE PERSONATIONS (1971)
it's all right AVATAR (1971)
beauty & pedigree & bank THE MKE BENIGN COMPULSION (2019)
mondo lucha! DEVIL'S TEETH (2019)
gremlins on demand IFIHADAHIFI (2019)
pantherman ALUMINUM KNOT EYE (2019)
the milwaukee road LARRY LEE PHILLIPSON (1957)
positively 4th street BILL CAMPLIN (1975)
that love thang EIEIO (2019)
sick, sober and sorry AND HIS ORCHESTRA (1988)
mean christine INDONESIAN JUNK (2019)
true grit BORIS THE SPRINKLER (1995)
ex spies DAUGHTERS OF ST. CRISPIN (2019)
the last thing you said NO NO (2019)
CLICK HERE FOR THE OCTOBER 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

hotel last resort THE VIOLENT FEMMES (2019)
289-0465 JYM MOONEY (1985)
no time to stop drinking STEVE COHEN (1988)
get you high ABBY JEANNE (2019)
you're gonna miss me WANDA CHROME AND THE LEATHER PHAROAHS (1998)
ham hock horror COUCH FLAMBEAU (2007)
transmission DAUGHTERS OF ST. CRISPIN (2019)
never say die NEW SOCIETY OF ANARCHSTS (2017)
michael stipe PAT MCCURDY (1992)
hook line and sinker THE HUNGRY WILLIAMS (2019)
bop-a-lena SAM MCCUE (1998)
diablo's highwayy LIAR'S TRIAL (2019)
it's gonna hurt MAGNETIC MINDS (2019)
skin in the game LIFES (2019)
miss big bad wolf THE LAST SONS OF KRYPTON (2018)
shifting sands CARNIVAL STRIPPERS (1994)
another man's shoes JOSEPH HUBER (2019)
CLICK HERE FOR THE NOVEMBER 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble with special guest Andy Pemrich. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

next 21st of may SYNDICATE (1968)
i can't stand it THE PEOPLE (1969)
clara bloomtree THE SHAPRELS (1968)
if you would leave me THEE PROPHET (1967)
the news is out THE COACHMEN (1969)
last to die JULES BLATTNER (1975)
i idolize you SOUP (1970)
it's for you (rehearsal) FRIENDS (1969)
love is... PURPLE PEOPLE (1975)
i'm sorry RON BEESAW AND THE MO-JO MEN (1971)
picture of a man CAPT. HERSCHEL GOBER (1967)
truck driver's wife THE TUMBLEWEEDS (1969)
the moon won't tell SUSAN MARIE (1968)
idols of your mind THE HINGE (1969)
turk's squeal BUNGI (1972)
that's how strong my love is THE MEMORIES (1966)
CLICK HERE FOR THE DECEMBER 2019 PODCAST. With your radio pals Paul Host and Tim Noble and special guest Milwaukee Rock Posters dot com founder, Ron Faiola, playing songs that didn't make the History in 3 Chords release. Approximately 60 minutes; mp3.

having fun THE ORBITS (1980)
black velvet elvis THE SHEMPS (1982)
activated energy LUBRICANTS (1980)
echoes of the shouts of troy OR (1979)
someone always (or something) BETWEEN WALLS (1981)
leisure time GLUONS (1982)
chemicals SOKO (1981)
huh THE HURTZ (1982)
castaways + strangers RHOMBOIDS (1981)
having a wild weekend IN A HOT COMA (1978)
little dolls MASSACRE OF INNOCENTS (1983)
the dog said yeah THE ONES (1979)
nobody but me THE COCKTAILS (1981)
drag city THE DRAG (1982)
situation YOUTH IN ASIA (1980)
euthanasia THE HONEST DISGRACE (1982)
yik yak WALLY SPRAWLS (1981)
start to move TENSE EXPERTS (1981)