Valiants. Shake Baby Shake. Great song. Ron Ash (RIP), Keith Sommers (RIP), Craig Crab, Tab Stemm, Dale Kaminski, Steve Shantz, Michael Ford and Steve Braun all played in the band at various times.

Steve Shantz recently emailed MilwaukeeRockPosters.com:

  With regrets I write to inform you that Ron Ash (2nd singer of the Valiants) passed away in November 07. Unfortunately, we have lost another musician from those magic years.

  In your description of members of the Valiants, the original lead singer went by the name of Joe "Blue." I don't know his actual last name since I was not that close to the band when he sang for the Valiants. He left the band abruptly as he had a brain hemorrage that physically affected him from that point on.

  Steve Shantz

Former bass player of the Valiants

Valiants posters:

Valiants at Zak's (January 29, 1980) A poster from the Middle Ages.

Valiants at the Landmark Lanes under the Oriental Theater. (March 8, 1980) Poster submitted by Steve Shantz of the Valiants.

Valiants ad for UWM Ballroom (May 9, 1980) and the Metropole Theatre (May 21, 1980) Poster submitted by Steve Shantz of the Valiants. Also note the Wigs ad and the article about local bands.

Valiants Promo Photo (1979) Poster submitted by Steve Shantz of the Valiants.

Valiants Promo Photo #2 (1980) Poster submitted by Steve Shantz of the Valiants.